Monday, June 4, 2012

Pool Adventures!

Yesterday we took the kiddos to our neighborhood pool for the first time this was for our neighbor's birthday. Landon was so excited before we left and although he had fun, he still needs to learn that we don't run around the pool and he didn't quite pick up where he left off last year. This frustrated his daddy who had high hopes that the kid would do backflips and cannonballs off the diving board immediately! Ha! I know he will be right back into the swing of swimming soon...however, he will not be getting reacquainted by taking swimming lessons. I took him to his first lesson tonight and he was less than enthused to get in the pool with just the coach and not mommy or daddy. He's our cautious kid while I'm certain our fearless (already) MK will dive in head first when she's older and the water warms up a bit. I think we will either skip lessons altogether in favor of having daddy spend quality pool time with our guy or we will wait til next month.

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