Okay, our kid is seriously the sponge they say all kids are. He picks up on everything and somewhere along the way he must have heard a grownup say "I don't have time for this" because during bath tonight as Jim was drying him him off he said point blank "I not have time for dis". Then when Dada was trying to get him dressed and apparently didn't do something just right Landon said "Jiiiiiiiiiiiim!" Ha! Then he came in the living room where lazy mommy had her swollen feet up and I took some pictures of the kid we will henceforth refer to as Mr. Terrible Twos. Except of course when he is super sweet like this. :)
Landon, You have entered the terrible twos. Any behavior before today that we "thought" was the terrible twos pales in comparison to your behavior over the weekend
You. Are. Rotten.
Totally rotten dude. You were horrible at church. Horrible enough that I missed communion to take you outside. We had two birthday parties for your sweet friends Audrey and Madeline on Sunday and at Audrey's party you almost pushed poor Harrison down playing with balloons, you slammed their door twice and you rang their doorbell during present opening time. We left early. At home you were just about as bad and we sent you to your room by yourself 3 times. That seemed to do the trick for a little while anyway. You hated it and one time after you came out you told me "I was freamin" (screaming) "I was cwyin" as if you wondered why I didn't hear you or come rescue you.
We are praying this is just a phase and we started reading a book that Dr. Wendel recommended called "The New Parent Power!" We know that this too shall pass and one day we will look back and laugh but right now you're wearing us out little guy. So, to quote you, "Top it" (stop it)!
Love, Mommy and Daddy Battreal
PS. You weren't horrible all weekend...on Saturday we took you to the World Cheesedip Championship. Your dada was in Hog Heaven...you know, he kinda loves cheese dip. A lot. You acted pretty nice there and you were even kind of nice when we went to watch the game at your friend Jeanette's house. Let's not have a repeat of Sunday ever again, okay?
You and Kate had fun playing with the black thingies in the turf!
This is what we heard all day when we told Landon we were going to a birthday party at the field where the Razorbacks played the weekend before. He had apparently watched football with dada and caught on to the "falling down" aka tackling and decided that he would do just that when he got to play on the field! He had so much fun! When we first got to the party he found a football and threw it and then he'd fall down and roll around like he had been tackled. Then he ran for 80 yards non-stop! The kid has some energy and I wish he'd share...sharing is not his strong suit these days.
Here are a few fun pictures from our friend Will's fun party!
Down - Set - Hut!
Hey Samantha, what's that thing?
Fun with my dada.
CHEESE from the locker room!
We totally plan on getting a picture just like this when Landon pays for the Razorbacks! :)
Jim has been teaching Landon the difference between left and right for a while and Landon caught on pretty fast. This morning as I was getting him dressed I told him to put "this" leg in and he said "that's my right leg" and then pointed to his other leg and said "that's my weft". Such a smarty!
In addition to the smartiness he is also full of orneryness. Yesterday the neighbor kids came over and Landon was apparently not up for sharing his toys and according to his dada he acted very ugly. Not a proud parent moment. Landon was not impressed to come inside when it was time and threw a giant fit. When we walked in the door he ran to his room and slammed the door!! Nice! Glad he didn't see me laugh!
In other news Landon had so much fun tailgating last Saturday! We had a smaller than usual crowd while he and I were there so he had fun running around and playing "beanbags". The kid can beat me at Baggo! He's pretty good! Apparently the crowd picked up after Landon and I left. I'm just glad I was there to eat one of Jim's famous peppers and to visit with a few friends. Go Hogs!
"Nannon Battrul" is quite the smarty pants lately and has just been cracking us up on a daily basis.
Saturday he was acting up so I said in my sternest voice, "Landon Battreal I'm going to count to 3! Do you know what happens after 3?". He said very matter of factly, "4?" Nice. I had to give him credit though and it threw me off so badly that all I could do was say, "well, yes, you're right". Luckily that was enough distraction to change his behavior...briefly anyway.
Last week Landon's Pocky was here and on Tuesday he and I went in to wake Landon up. Well, I guess he had had a long night because when I said, "Good morning! Time to get up!". He fired back in his perfect I'm going to be a teenager someday voice, "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!". The way he said it made me laugh so hard I almost had to leave the room!
Tonight I asked him if he was ready for supper and he said, "Yes Mommy Battreal".
He has learned how to say his abc's! We have been working on them for a while and he finally got it! Last Thursday night he just spouted them out in his favorite growl voice! I got him on video but could only get him to go through S on video because he was too interested in watching it after I recorded it. He can say them all the way through Z though!
I missed the 32 week belly - I tried to get one every 4 weeks for comparison but it just didn't happen this time. So, here is the 33 week 2 day belly...it's huge and she's way up in my ribs. They're her monkey bars and she's practicing her swinging to make all the other kids on the playground jealous.
We've made progress on the nursery this week and I can't wait to get a few more things so I can post some pictures. It's turning out so cute!
Miss Maddie Kate's birthday is set for October 25th...unless she decides to come early on her own! We can't wait to meet our baby girl. Her favorite pastime these days is having dance parties in my belly. She is soooo active! I love it and it annoys me at the same time. Isn't that awful? Sometimes I think all her dancing is going to make me seasick. Still, it's reassuring that she's doing okay in there. I will post a picture of the 32/33 week belly tonight. Fair warning. I'm huge. I mean really ginormous. She's surely going to be a 20 pounder. Haha! Okay, not really but my belly is definitely bigger than what I remember it being at this stage with Landon. I will also be posting a few pictures of MK's nursery soon! Pocky has been here painting this week and we love how it turned out! He is helping Jim and Landon pick up her chair and chest of drawers right now! I can't wait to see them when I get home!
In other news...Landon had his first sonic "nelkshake" last weekend and he was a big fan!
His tear in this picture must be a tear of joy because he loved it! Ha! Actually, his eye waters almost all the time. Poor kid. We've had it checked out and there just isn't any major reason that it waters unless it's an allergy.
This is what our day looks like. The Wonder Pets and pajamas.
We have also watched Thomas, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Diego. Lazy, lazy, 32 weeks pregnant LAZY mommy!
Daddy went hunting this weekend and will be home today. I have a sneaking suspicion he will also be in a lazy dazy mood too so poor Landon is going to get his fill of the ol tv today. Maybe we will go outside or go buy some new paints this afternoon so his brain isn't totally fried by the end of the day! At least he's having grapes and a yogurt smoothie drink for a snack, right? No reason for lazy day to be unhealthy snack day! However, mommy sure would like some french fries! Ha!