Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ready or not...I "twoahalf"!

During bath one night this week Landon and I worked on counting. Apparently playing hide and seek with Nana has taught him well! I helped him a little to get to 10 and was surprised with what he said after!

YouTube Video

I can't believe that today you are two and a half! Seems like you've been two and a half for a while because for several weeks now when we ask you how old you are you say "I twoahalf!". You're such a cute little stinker and we love you so much!!! We have enjoyed watching you grow and learn and we can't wait to see how you transition from an only child to a big brother. We know you will be great! I hope that you always know how much we love you and how proud we are of you. You're at a challenging age for sure and you're teaching us both a lot about patience and understanding and we would have it no other way. One of your latest "funnies" is that when someone says something to you that makes you think they're calling you by a different name you say "No, I Nannon Battrul". It so funny! You are just talking up a storm and you are so smart! Your little imagination is really starting to take shape and you surprise us every day with the things you comprehend.

Happy "twoahalf" birthday big guy!!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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