Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PICU and B-I-N-G-O

Our sweet baby girl has RSV and is in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's hospital. I will write more about it later but if you read my blog we sure could use some extra prayers. She is going to be will just take some time for the virus to clear up.

Meanwhile, Landon is such a smarty! He picks up on things so fast and impresses us daily by doing something we didn't know he could do or by saying something we didn't know he could say! He loves nursery rhymes and children's songs and Bingo is one of his favorites...remember the video of him dancing to it? Well, now he can spell it!!

YouTube Video

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michelle said...

Oh, NO!!!!! Please know that if I could hug you right this very moment, I would. :( Thinking of you lots and praying tons....

Cindy said...

Lots of thoughts and prayers your way.