Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Due Date...Schmudate

Landon's due date is tomorrow...and he is 4 weeks old today! :)
We have had another fabulous week with our little guy and he is really growing now! Here is this week's recap:

1. He is sleeping in his crib! He only sleeps for a few hours between feedings but we are happy that it's in his crib!
2. He is starting to make eye contact with us and he definitely recognizes our voices.
3. When he's hungry...look out! He can throw a red faced fit like none other...luckily he only does this when he's hungry.
4. He's starting to grow into some of the clothes we already had for him and out of the ones we had to buy after he was born.
5. He has a new friend! Baby Burke was born last night and we can't wait to see her! Congrats Ashley and Dan!

Here are some pictures from our "4 week photo shoot"

and here is what he thought of his first Valentine from mommy and daddy...


The Gasaway Family said...

Girl he is just beautiful. I have his gift and need to get it to you before he outgrows it...BTW, whatever you were doing to him in that last picture, you need to stop...he looks ticked! ;)

Gattis said...

He's to cute! So happy for you guys.

maaydaay said...

He has changed so much! He barely looks like the baby from two weeks ago!! Landon should always get two birthdays or at least celebrate on for an entire month, tell him Auntie Scarlette said so.

Laurie said...

Katie he is just adorable! Looks like you guys are adjusting well and I must say I am SOOOO proud of you for having him in his CRIB! Your rock mama! :)