Sunday, March 11, 2012

What a difference 4 days can make!

In the 4 days since I posted Maddie Kate's 4 month blog post she has officially cut her first tooth and tonight she rolled from her back to her tummy!! Her big brother didn't cut teeth until he was 8 months old an I'm pretty sure he didn't roll over until he was closer to 6 months! I've heard moms say before that with their second kiddo they were a little sad with each milestone because it meant they were growing up and after the first, when you anxiously await every milestone because everything is so new, you want your new baby to stay little. I didn't think I would feel this way but yep, I definitely do! Maybe it's because we really only want two kiddos and because I know that this will probably be our last time to watch a kiddo reach the milestones. MK is definitely growing up fast and we are enjoying her so much! Of course I wouldn't want her to "slow down" but it would be nice if she would stay a baby a little longer. At this rate she'll be in college tomorrow. Okay, yes, that's a stretch, I know, but it's happening so fast and I hope we can always cherish our sweet moments with our baby girl!
*Edited to add that I looked back through the blog and turns out Landon could roll over from back to tummy at 4 months and he also weighed almost a pound more than MK at 4 months. I was right about the teeth though! Glad I have the blog to reference since we all know that I can't be bothered with baby books!

Updated to add that MK has 2 teeth now and she's apparently not much a fan of the teething process. Poor girl!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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