Monday, March 8, 2010

Big Boys and their Momma's Toys!

We had such a fun weekend with Landon!  We turned his carseat around so now he can see where we're going and he loves it!  We also retired the bathtime duck to the garbage!  It was starting to lose air every day and he was starting to outgrow it.  We cut the "quacker" out though because he loves that sound...he is his daddy and Poppy's boy!  I'm fine with it as long as they don't gang up on me and practice their feed calls in the car when he's older!  It's funny how these two seemingly small things have appeared to send our little guy into "Big Boy" land overnight.  He's growing up so fast!

We also had our 12 month session with our friend and photographer Sarah Bussey.  She is so much fun to work with and I'm sure she thinks we're the weirdest family to work with...we are kinda uptight and "posey" instead of laid back and relaxed during our "photo shoots"...but they're fun anyway and I think she got some fun shots of Landon!  He was a little reserved at first but was hammin' it up by the end!

Speaking of "photo sessions"...I guess you could say that Landon had one the entire weekend because I got the new camera I've had my eye on for a couple of months on Friday and I took over 300 pictures of my favorite littlest subject in 2 days...I got about 10 good ones (yes, 10...out of 300+!) and it's going to take me forever to learn how to use the thing.  That was kinda the idea.  In an effort to hopefully counteract the fact that "they" say my diet coke addiction is going to send me spiraling into early dementia I chose photography as a new hobby that will keep me learning something new all the time.  I'll report the outcome in 10-20 or so years (if I remember).

I got the Nikon D90.  I did a LOT of research and what I found is that no one could tell me exactly which one I should if I'd listen if they did...if you know me you know when I make up my mind that's pretty much that.  It's a blessing and a curse :).  So, to "finalize" my decision I did what any normal person would do...I looked to Pioneer Woman for answers.  The photography section of her site is so much fun and she shoots a Nikon...and my favorite father in law, sister in law, aunt in law and a few friends shoot Nikon so Nikon won!  I'll save the "real/technical" reasons why I went with the D90 for anther blog.  Here are a few of my first favorites with my new toy.

These are a few that I like especially because of the focus on Landon and the blurred background...which I never got with my point and shoot and never knew why.  When I learn why my expensive camera does this I'll blog about it.  I'm also going to learn more about editing and enhancing the color.  Photography is so much fun because it's so subjective...and frustrating for the same reason I'm afraid! I'm just going to have fun with it.

Here's a picture of our Big Boy facing forward!

I could never get a good picture of Zoe before...and this was from across the room! Kinda remind you of the blob? Poor fat kitty. We love you too Zoe!


The Gasaway Family said...

We have the D60 and the only thing you are going to regret about your camera is that you didn't buy it sooner! The continuous shoot mode is awesome for the park!!!!

Bonnie said...

He is so cute & looks so happy! And, Zoe is a precious kitty :D

Laurie said...

Yea another Nikon shooter! After all P-Dub shoots a Nikon! I have taken the 6 week class from Bedford and it was lots of fun and very helpful. Check out Lots of good tips and info there. I actually won honorable mention in one of their contests!