Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Giggles and Grins of a Daddy's Boy!

At Landon's 4 month checkup he weighed 14 lbs 12 oz and was 25 inches long...when his daddy took him to the doctor last week for an eye infection he was already up to 16 lbs 2 oz! So, I'd say the cereal is doing the trick! He really likes the cereal now and is really getting the hang of the spoon. I just can't believe how fast he's growing and learning.

At almost 5 months Landon...
*is a very happy baby! he smiles and lot and rarely fusses
*can hold his head up high when we do tummy time on the boppy (still hates it on the floor!)
*has the cutest little giggle!
*loves to watch his cousins Mary Haven and Hannah!
*can blow some serious raspberries!
*can roll from his back to his belly...but he doesn't do it much because he can't go the other way and again, he hates being on his tummy!
*babbles and coos all the time...he really does have a lot to say!
*LOVES being outside
*sleeps for around 9 hours at night and wakes us up with a smile every morning
*can bear weight on his legs for short periods of time
*chews on his hands and drools non stop...he really tries to get his entire fist in his mouth!
*is trying to sit up on his own
*is a major daddy's boy!
*loves to be in the car and now instead of sleeping he sits in his car seat and tells us about all he sees outside
*plays with small toys...he can pass them from hand to hand and really studies them
*grabs for everything!
*loves to read Guess How Much I Love You and The Going To Bed Book (or maybe mommy just likes reading them!)

I'm sure I've missed something but those are the milestones that come to mind tonight. We love our little guy so much and it's so much fun to watch him grow up and learn new things.

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

He takes his paci out of his mouth to look at it but he can't quite get it back in his mouth yet!

Mommy and Landon at lunch after his 4 month checkup...Landon didn't seem to mind them but mommy and daddy had a hard time with the shots and needed cheese dip afterwards to feel better! ha!

We took a road trip to Hot Springs Village one Saturday afternoon. We stopped for lunch at Kara's on the way and had to get a picture of Landon's first of many visits there!

Daddy gets all the smiles! This is from Landon's first trip to one of the golf courses in Hot Springs Village. Had to make a pit stop for a bottle and diaper change...

On our way back from Hot Springs Village we stopped to play with Burke!

Mommy bought this hat with matching shorts...but he outgrew the shorts before we wore them!

This is the face mommy gets...

And this is the face daddy gets!

Such a daddy's boy!

Landon rolled over from his back to his belly...and he hates being on his belly!

Ah, thank you for turning me back over Mimi!

Landon's version of tummy time!

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