Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long time no blog...

It's been almost a month since my last post and Landon will be 4 months old tomorrow. I'm having a hard time understanding where the time has gone! He's growing non-stop and still sleeping through the night most nights. We started him on rice cereal this week and as you'll see from the pictures he's not sure what to think about it. We go for his 4 month checkup and immunizations this Friday so I'll post all of his stats and milestones then.

My first Mother's Day was great! We spent Saturday in Lavaca and Landon got to meet his Great Great Aunt Barbara for the first time. Landon and his daddy gave me a necklace and Landon's nana took him to have a precious platter painted at my favorite pottery place called The Painted Pig. It has Landon's footprints as a butterfly and his hand print as a flower. I don't have any pictures of it yet but will post one when I do. It's adorable and I love it...it made me cry. We spent that Sunday in Little Rock with Jim's family. It was a great weekend!

We had a crawfish boil the weekend after Mother's Day. Several of our friends from out of town that we don't see very often came over and we had a great time visiting! We cooked over 100 pounds of crawfish and had a good time playing Baggo! Landon got to meet a lot of new people and was so good all day...and worn out at the end!

Our new nephew, Asher was born on May 21st. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long. If you remember from Landon's birth story he came hiney first...well, baby Asher decided he would come face first. They both should have stopped for directions...obviously they are going to be true men! ha! Asher is adorable and we are so excited that he and Landon will grow up together!

We spent Memorial Day in Kansas visiting Landon's great grandparents and great aunt and uncle. Poppy and Uncle Chris were there too! We had such a good time and are so glad we were able to go! Landon had fun playing with everyone and they even got him to give us a real giggle! It was about the cutest thing I've ever heard. We absolutely can't wait to go back! Landon was such a good little traveler! He slept most of the way. We made a pit stop for a diaper change and bottle in Springdale at Andrea and Greg's. Her kiddos Luke and Sam are precious and I always love seeing them. Baby Nevel #3 will be here soon and we can't wait to meet him/her!

Here are some pictures from the last several weeks...obviously I couldn't pick just a few.

Look! I can hold my toy!

This is Landon's latest trick! He loves chewing on his fist!

Ride em cowboy!

Still not a fan of tummy time...

Get me off this thing now!

No crawfish for me thanks...I'll stick to formula!

Helping mommy pack for our big trip!

Taking all the toys with us!

Excited about seeing everyone in Kansas!

Landon and Luke!

Hi Mama and Papa Great!

Papa Great is funny!

Kansas is fun! All that attention will wear a guy out!

Landon's first taste of rice cereal!

Not too sure about it but maybe it's not so bad...

On second thought...Yuck!

Give me this again you'll be wearing it!


Gattis said...

Wow he is getting big! Cute pics. Hope we can see him soon.

Emily said...

I am loving all of Landon's adorable facial expressions! So glad you posted new pictures!