Saturday, June 8, 2013

Phones Don't Swim

The new iPhone 5 my super sweet hubby bought me as a surprise in April went for a swim today during a pool party. Did you know phones don't swim? Nope-they sink. And even when super sweet hubby's fish them out super quick certain features on otter box encased phones don't like to work. So, after lots o drama with Verizon I'm back on my iPhone 4. Landon is less than impressed since the 4 was deemed his new toy. First world problems, right? The new phone will live in a ginormous bowl of cheap rice we had stashed in the freezer for a day or so and here's hoping said cheap rice will save us the expense of a new phone.
Even after I dropped my amazing gift in the pool my sweet hubs bought me flowers as another surprise. I think he's a keeper. But we already knew that!

Updated. Jim's a smarty pants and suggested I see if I could get my phone fixed locally. Since I of course know everything I poo-poo'd this idea..but then checked it out anyway. Guess what. Jim knows way more than me and I got my phone fixed for a fraction of the cost of an insurance claim. Yahoo!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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