Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Earthquake in California!

I'm in San Francisco for a class...so, tonight I was sitting in Union Square reading and people watching (and rat watching...yes, a "cute" little rat was in the small garden just behind the bench I was sitting on) when I felt the ground shake. I briefly considered the fact that it could be earthquake related since I'm in California but didn't really think too much of it because it was fairly subtle. However, when I got back to the room I turned on the tv and as I flipped through the channels I sadly realized that I missed Charlie Brown - The Great Pumpkin. I love that show and try to watch it every year! After I got over my sadness I noticed text flashing across the screen that confirmed my thought! There was a 5.6 magnitude earthquake 50 miles southeast of San Francisco! So, now I can mark "feel the effects of an earthquake but not get sucked into the ground" off of my list of things to accomplish/experience in my lifetime!

And now, Barry Mannilow is performing "Mandy" on Dancing with the Stars...my evening is complete! ha


3 Erwins said...

Alright Carol King...you "felt the earth move under your feet", but good for you the sky didn't come "tumblin' down".

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard that. That's awesome. I've always wanted to feel that when I am out there but it has never happened.